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en  Structural Equation Modeling: Theory & Practice at the conference SMABS 2004

Speakers: Prof. Peter M. Bentler (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

Summer term 2004, Workshop, Course length: 6.00 hours, Language: English, Topic: Introduction to structural equation modeling

This workshop approaches SEM using the Bentler-Weeks model (a general and simpler alternative to LISREL) and its implementation in EQS 6.1. Topics include the practical (modeling with Diagrammer or text files) and theoretical (use of recently published and in press statistics). Topics will be selected from the following, depending on participant interest and background:

Typical models. Latent variables. Factor scores. Identification, estimation, testing, interpretation. Model modification: z, LM, and Wald tests. Fit indices and power. Mean structure models. Growth curve models, and their automatic setup. Best practices with nonnormal data: Satorra-Bentler tests and Yuan-Bentler residual-based statistics. Missing data estimators, tests, and SE's for normal (Jamshidian-Bentler) and nonnormal (Yuan-Bentler) data. Kim-Bentler tests of homogeneity of means and covariance matrices. Correlation structure methods for normal and nonnormal data, and categorical variables. Simulation, bootstrap and jacknife methods. Case-weighting for complex samples and robust statistics (Yuan-Bentler) for outliers and influential points. Multi-sample/multi-group models. Multilevel models with ML (Ben tler-Liang) and robust tests and SEs (YuanBentler); HLM approaches. Other possible topics include internal consistency reliabilities: alpha, 1-factor, x-factor, arbitrary model, maximal, dimension-free, greatest lower bound.


Peter M. Bentler is Professor of Psychology and Statistics at UCLA, where he works on the psychometric and statistical theory in SEM as well as on the etiology and consequences of drug abuse. He has been an elected president of the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, the Psychometric Society, and the Division of Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics of the American Psychological Association. In 1996, he received the Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award from the latter society.

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