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Courses: Course information

en  Item-Response-Theory

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer

Winter term 2016/2017, Course, Language: English

In order to view the videos, you need the VLC Player VLC media player which you can download here. The videos are hosted at the Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (dbt).Click the green link to watch the video or download the file.


Date Topic Video Material
  1. Introduction and Outline of the lecture
  2. Repetition of the basic ideas of Classical Test Theory (CTT)
  3. Models of CTT
  4. The model of essentially tau-equivalent variables
Video (Stream)

Slides (Organizational Issues & Repeating the Essentials of Classical Test Theory)

Slides (Model of essentially tau-equivalent tests)

Blackboard sketches
  1. The model of essentially tau-equivalent variables (continued)
  2. The role of latent variables in Psychology
  3. The logit transformation of probabilities
  4. The definition of the latent variable in the Rasch model
  5. Rasch homogeneity
  6. U-Conditional independence of the items
  7. An example with Joe and Ann illustrating the Rasch model
Video (Stream)


  1. Rabix, a program for explorating the Rasch model and the Birnbaum model
  2. Itemcharacteristic functions
  3. Likelihood functions
  4. Estimation of the person parameter using maximum likelihood
  5. Item information functions
  6. Test information function
  7. Standard error function for the estimation of the person parameter
  8. Identification of the item parameters
Video (Stream)



Blackboard sketch 01
Blackboard sketch 02
  1. The life-satisfaction data
  2. Recoding of the negatively formulated items
  3. Analysis of the life-satisfaction data with the Rasch modell (WINMIRA)
  4. Person parameter estimation
  5. Item parameter estimation
Video (Stream)


  1. Interpretation of the Q-statistics in Winmira for the items
  2. Bootstrap model test
  3. Generating data according to the Rasch modell
  4. Analysis of the generated data with Winmira
  5. Generating data according to the Birnbaum model
  6. Analysis of the generated data with Winmira, in particular the Q-statistics and bootstrap procedure
  7. Generating data according to the Birnbaum model according to a latent variable model with two latent variables
  8. Analysis of the generated data with Winmira
Video (Stream)


Blackboard sketch 01
Blackboard sketch 02
  1. Summary presentation of the Birnbaum 2-PL-model
  2. Summary presentation of the Birnbaum 3-PL-model (with guessing parameter)
  3. Analysis of the life satisfaction scale according to the Rasch model with Mplus
  4. Discussion of the Mplus Input and Output for this model
Video (Stream)

Slides (The two parameter logistic Birnbaum model)

Slides (The three parameter logistic Birnbaum model)

Mplus-In- and Outputs

Blackboard sketch 01
Blackboard sketch 02
  1. Specification of the 2PL-Birnbaum model in Mplus for the life satisfaction data
  2. Test of the hypothesis: „The Rasch model holds“ using the Wald test
  3. Specification of the 2PL-Birnbaum model in Mplus for generated data that follow the Birnbaum model.
  4. Test of the hypothesis: „The Rasch model holds“ using the Wald test for these data that follow the Birnbaum model
Video (Stream)


Blackboard sketch
  1. A first two-dimensional IRT model with an own latent variable for the positively and for the negatively formulated items. A first alternative to the Birnbaum model
  2. Testing the hypothesis: The correlation between the two latent variables is 1.
  3. The general structural model for the latent variables and the matrices involved in this model.
  4. An alternative way of testing the hypothesis mentioned above. The regression of Xi2 on Xi1 is perfect. (The variance of the residual is 0).
Video (Stream)


Blackboard sketches
  1. Rasch and Birnbaum analog probit models
  2. Model test in these models
  3. A two-dimensional probit model
  4. Data generation according to the Birnbaum analog probit model
Video (Stream)


Blackboard sketches
  1. Link functions and response functions in the logit model and in the probit model
  2. Assumptions defining the logit model and the probit model
  3. Factor analytic representation of the probit model
  4. Relationships between the parameters of different models and parameterizations
  5. Analysis of the probit model using generated data
  6. First ideas of item response latent state-trait theory
Video (Stream)


Mplus-In- and Outputs

Blackboard sketch 01
Blackboard sketch 02
  1. Basic ideas of latent state-trait-theory
  2. Singletrait model, multistate model and multistate-singletrait model
  3. Analysis of a probit multistate model with the life-satisfaction scale (3 times points)
  4. Analysis of this model with the additional constraint: The correlations of the three latent state variables are equal to 1
  5. Analysis of a probit singletrait model with the life-satisfaction scale (3 times points)
  6. Differences between the last two models
Video (Stream)

Mplus-In- and Outputs

Blackboard sketches
  1. The Partial Credit Model
  2. U-conditional threshold-probabilities
  3. The two assumptions defining the Partial Credit Model and the definition of the latent variable
  4. Interpretation of the threshold parameters
  5. Graphs of the U-conditional threshold-probabilities for different categories as a function of the latent variable
  6. Graphs of the U-conditional probabilities for different categories as a function of the latent variable
  7. Ways of fixing the (version of the) latent variable
  8. Using the Partial Credit Model for four items of the scale „well-being“ of the Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaire with Winmira.
  9. Interpretation of the output of Winmira
Video (Stream)


Blackboard sketch
  1. Graded Response Model (GRM) with logit and probit link functions
  2. Basic assumptions and their implications for the category probabilities
  3. Thresholds and discrimination parameters in these models
  4. Application of the probit GRM for the data of the well-being scale of the MDMQ at time 1
  5. Fixing the scale of the latent variables
  6. Generalizing the probit GRM to a latent state model for three time points
Video (Stream)

(updated 2017-01-27)

Mplus-In- and Outputs

Blackboard sketch 01
Blackboard sketch 02
2017-01-30 Video (Stream)


Blackboard sketch