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 Introduction to latent variable modeling with Structural Equation Models using Mplus
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer Summer term 2009, Workshop, Course length: 11.25 hours, Language: English, Topic: Introduction to structural equation modeling
This Workshop is a first introduction into structural equation modeling with latent variables. The first day, we introduce the basic concepts of Classical Test Theory (CTT) such as true-score and error variables and present the properties of these concepts. Next, we treat the models of CTT such as the models of parallel, tau-equivalent, and congeneric variables, and show how to analyze them with Mplus. This includes parameter estimation, testing hypotheses about these parameters, and testing the implications of the models, both for the total population and subpopulations via SEM multi-group analyses.
On the second day, we extend CTT to Latent State-Trait Theory (LST Theory), considering measurements at two or more occasions of measurement. On the theoretical side, we introduce the basic concepts such as latent state variables, latent trait variables, latent state residuals, and measurement error. Then we deal with the standard models of LST Theory: the singletrait model, the multistate model, and the singletrait-multistate model, thus introducing models with several latent variables. These models are then generalized to include method factors. Finally, we introduce a multiconstruct model, which combines two or more singletrait-multistate models with method factors.
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Readings on CTT and SEM
- Steyer, R., Wolf, A., Funke, F. & Partchev, I. (in press). Strukturgleichungsmodelle. In: H. Holling & R. Schwarzer (Hrsg.), Evaluationsforschung: Band 1: Modelle und Methoden. (Handbuch der Psychologie). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Steyer, R. (1988). Conditional Expectations: An Introduction to the Concept and its Applications in Empirical Sciences. Methodika, 2, 53-78.
- Steyer, R. (1989). Models of Classical Psychometric Test Theory as Stochastic Measurement Models: Representation, Uniqueness, Meaningfulness, Identifiability, and Testability. Methodika, 3, 25-60.
- Steyer, R. (2001). Classical Test Theory. In: Ragin, C. and Cook, T. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Logic of Inquiry and Research Design (pp. 1955-1962). Pergamon, Oxford.
Readings on LST
- Steyer, R., Ferring, D., & Schmitt, M. J. (1992). States and Traits in Psychological Assessment. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 8, 79--98.
- Steyer, R., Eid, M. & Schwenkmezger, P. (1997). Modeling true intraindividual change: True change as a latent variable. Methods of Psychological Research-Online 2, 21-33. (http://www.mpr-online.de)
- Steyer, R., Schmitt, M. & Eid, M. (1999). Latent state-trait theory and research in personality and individual differences. European Journal of Personality, 13, 389--408.
- Steyer, R., Partchev, I. & Shanahan, M. (2000). Modeling True Intra-Individual Change in Structural Equation Models: The Case of Poverty and Children´s Psychosocial Adjustment. In: Little, T. D., Schnabel, K. U., & Baumert, J. (Eds.), Modeling longitudinal and multiple-group data: Practical issues, applied approaches, and specific examples (pp. 109-126). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Steyer, R. & Riedl, K. (2004). Is it possible to feel good and bad at the same time? New evidence on the bipolarity of mood-state dimensions. K. Van Montfort, H. Oud & A. Satorra (eds.), Recent developments on structural equation modeling: theory and applications (pp. 197-220). Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Press.
Readings on Method Factors
Readings - Additional